Webbplats om Daniel Lind

ShutDown Timer

Shutdown timer icon Free software to make the computer shut down itself. Choose a specific time or set a timer and let the computer shutdown, logout or restart. Can be minimized to the system tray.

Name ShutDown Wizard
Version 1.2 build #10
Release Date 2017-01-31
License type Freeware
System Requirements Windows 7
Windows Vista
Windows XP
File name setup.exe
File size 2 100 kB
Download time
Number of downloads 3 663
  ShutDown Timer Wizard

Version history of Shutdown Wizard

Version 1.2 build #10
  • Opportunity to save settings. Minor graphical changes.
Version 1.1 build #7
  • First public release of the free shutdown timer software called Shutdown Wizard.

Next version of Shutdown Wizard

  • A warning 30 seconds before the command logout/shutdown/restart is being executed.
  • Start the program at login with the timer set.
  • XP-style on the graphical details. I.e. convert the Visual Basic-project to a VIsual Basic .NET-project.
(if I ever have the time...)
Note! Execution of this program is made on the user's own risk.

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